Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Once upon a time there was a content girl living in a lovely one bedroom apartment in the city. She had everything she needed, a few things she wanted, and more wonderful people in her life than she could count. Then one day she met a boy, fell in love, and what she thought would be happily ever after has actually turned into countless trips to the Home Depot and furry woodland creature home invasions. And this is just the beginning.
Most of you have been along for the ride of this "faerie tale", and most of you, if asked a year ago if you would ever see me in this situation, are intrigued and flabbergasted by the recent change of life events. This in addition to my lack of committed hobbies (I've been told brunch doesn't count as a hobby), my desire to yabber on about myself, and many curious parties with bets on when I'm going to have my 10th mental breakdown, I will be developing this mildly entertaining blog for all of you to follow along with the renovations.
So here are the ground rules :
1) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - I do not know what I'm doing. If you want me to pick out a chic outfit from Barney's, I'm your girl. If you want me to put up trim, if that's even the correct phrasing (see point #2), then you will end up walled into your room. I have not needed to do any sort of construction type anything since my parents made me help them wallpaper my room pink in 5th grade, and I'm not sure if that even counts as construction. I am, however, a fairly bright girl (please keep comments to a minimum) and am hoping I will both understand everything I will need to do and perform everything I will need to do with at least some extent of excellence and dexterity.
2) Please do not correct my phrasing.
3) This is a slow project due to fundraising and limited labor. Unless you would like to help (in either area...I maintain a paypal account) please be patient with our progress and I will get pictures up as soon as possible.
4) This project is made entirely possible by my wonderful, loving, extremely talented better half. He is a carpentry genius and design mastermind. Major props for his sponsorship, dedication, and all around excitement toward the coming activities. Raise the roof.

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