Monday, November 23, 2009


Good morning. After the first weekend without rain, I have gotten a few pictures to share. Unfortunately, stupidity doesn't translate over the camera as well as I had hoped, but you'll have to use your imagination. Andy and I are spellbound in this house daily by the idiotic building decisions that went into this glorified cardboard box.

As a background, this house was built as a vacation home for city folk back in 1942, which is quite an odd year to build a house. As time went on, the owner apparently decided they needed more room and wanted to add on, but decided crazy things like insulation and finishing were too expensive. We have a living room with a vaulted ceiling and lovely paneling that is actually fairly comfortable and pink. That has a spiral staircase up to the loft area where the kids will sleep, seeing as no one over 4' can stand up in there - great use of space and emerald green carpet. You will see the two bedrooms off the living room, ours and Buns'/ Andy's closet/ guest room. And then the beautiful bathroom that someone took the time to sponge paint in not one, but TWO colors of pink. Take notice of the window in the shower, that's a nice touch, especially because it's single-paned and unfinished wood.

Our kitchen is off the living room was most likely built by monkeys, and not the smart kind like you see in Madagascar. You will see the gigantic waste of space, the fact that there are no drawers except on the OTHER side of the counter, the cupboards are an unfinished wood that was cut with a hacksaw, the counter tops were not sealed and are an inch from the wall. The entire place smells of mold and rotten food, and every time either of us goes in there, we get so frustrated and grossed out there is constant muttering and groaning. It's a good diet, I suppose.

I took a few pics of the basement, too, which was Andy's first project. The previous owners thought a 2' drop ceiling would make the basement more cozy. Not only is that ridiculous and claustrophobic, but it makes using the elliptical machine nearly impossible, so Andy ripped down half the ceiling and it's really opened the place up. You will notice that a "bar" that was put in that is truly hilarious. And please note the "bathroom" that was put in in a corner of the basement stairs that has its own pump, winning it first place in the "what the hell were they thinking" contest of 85 Reed, which is saying a lot considering the pretty intense competition.

Also, you will see the three-season porch that gives me the heebie jeebies. When we first looked at this house, there was a dead squirrel that had found its way through the doggie door onto the porch, but couldn't find its way back... so if you're wondering mouse > squirrel when it comes to mazes. However, I've also found squirrel > mouse when it comes to noise in your walls.

Anyhoo - there are tons of anomalies of this place that may or may not come through in the pictures. Just enjoy and have a hearty laugh and hopefully yours won't end in silent sobbing like it does for us.


  1. I'm going to get you guys a stuffed monkey to hang on that bar! entertaining post, love the descriptions, keep em coming!

  2. OK.. I think you need to say a few words about why you bought the house in the first place. At first blush, ... well you need to say a few words. :-{)
